Thursday, February 28, 2013


Even as the world shrinks with each technological and communicative breakthrough, we are still uncertain as where this much-hyped phenomenon called "globalization" is going to bring us. Over the years it has forced us to re-assess big ideas like the "nation-state" and "community", needled us into refining their characteristics, and challenged us to imagine them anew. We have accepted that age-old values like sovereignty national identity have been rendered irrelevant but, instead, stretched and manipulated by an increasing array of transboundary processes. And yet, while globalization has cornered us into re-thinking how we define ourselves, we are still unsure as to how the human story world unfold. This is because, far from the picture of an economic beast roaming us in search of self-fulfillment that many politicians, journalists, even scholars, have painted, globalization, like all social, political and cultural forces, is of man. Globalization, though driven largely by the logic of neo-capitalism, is more than just economic process. Its political, social and culture dimensions have shown us, through numerous studies, that homogenization and universalism are but some of the possible outcomes. Resistance, hybridity and sheer indifference are legitimate possibilities of globalization, suggesting that as long as it remains impossible to predict how global processes will affect the interest of certain groups or how they would react, it will be just as impossible to say exactly were globalization will take us. For example at Kampung Pulau Duyong, Terengganu that have been shown to us about the globalization. ( Chong: 2008)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Alhamdulillah, All praises due to Allah and may Allah increase the honor of Prophet Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him] and protect our nation from any harm. 
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